1. A Group project of a fully responsive redesign of SMC.EDU designed and
built in Wordpress.org using plugins and custom
CSS in the theme Adventurous.
Team members: Michael, Edwin, Jenny, Lynne.
We worked on all decisions as a group, but we had certain pages and areas that we were responsible for.
I did, Health and Safety, Student Resources, Counseling, Technology Resources, some of the imagery, one of my design decisions was to use the yellow line under each heading. To emphasize the title and make the website cohesive.
2. A fully responsive restaurant website designed in PhotoShop and
built in Dreamweaver using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery.
Redesign of a fixed Restaurant Website.
Responsive website, built in Dreamweaver, HTML5 CSS3 and jQuery.
including Logo and Photo work using Illustrator and Photoshop.